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TIP VolunteersIf you have come to this website, there is a good chance you or a loved one has experienced a tragic event. First, let us say that we are very sorry for the suffering you are experiencing.

This website is devoted to giving you the information you need to cope with what has happened. We focus on providing you with information we believe can assist you in the first few days following the tragic event.

Tragedy by its nature is something that survivors are unprepared for, and you may not know why you are feeling the way you are, why the "system" is doing what they are doing and what steps to take next. This website will provide you with information to help you understand what is happening and what steps to take.

This website is also meant to be a tool for those who want to help survivors of tragedy. If you are someone who wants to help a survivor(s) but don't know quite how to be helpful, this website will educate you about how to provide Emotional First Aid. You will learn what survivors need, what to say/not to say, how to navigate the "system" ...and much more.

In short, whether you are a survivor encountering a tragic event yourself or are someone who wants to help a survivor, this website will give you the information you need to make your difficult journey just a little easier.

We wish you well.


Staff members, Trauma Intervention Programs Inc.

TIP - When Tragedy Strikes


Guilford County, NC
Toledo, OH
Greenville, SC

Coronavirus Resources